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Our Team

Meet the amazing people making this work happen!

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Rina Xu


Rina Xu (she/her) is a sophomore from Nashville, Tennessee studying Economics and Public Policy Studies with a minor in Data Science. She is most excited about supporting the Asian American community and helping Vanderbilt University become an inclusive and representative home for all AAPI students.


Owen Cai


Owen Cai (he/him) is a sophomore from Houston, Texas studying Public Policy and Medicine, Health, & Society with a minor in Data Science. He is most excited to create an environment at Vanderbilt for students to feel represented and to explore how they create Asian American identities ---the history, community, adversity, and joy.


Rohit Kataria

Co-Founder and Senior Advisor

Rohit Kataria (he/him) is a senior from Wheelersburg, Ohio studying Public Policy Studies with a concentration in Advanced Quantitative Methods and minors in Data Science and South Asian Language & Culture. He is most excited about ensuring that Asian and Asian American students feel valued on Vanderbilt's campus.

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Angela Yan

Co-Founder, Senior Advisor, and Initiative Lead

Angela Yan (she/her) is a senior from Wellington, Florida studying Asian American & Asian Diaspora Studies and Public Policy Studies with a minor in Economics. She is most excited about celebrating Asian Americans’ experiences and continuing to advocate for more Asian American representation.

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Ryder Li

Senior Advisor

Ryder Li (he/him) is a senior from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania studying Biomedical Engineering with minors in Business and Chemistry. He is most excited about advocating for students who share Asian cultural roots to create a more inclusive Vanderbilt community.

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Kadyn Lee

Media & Publicity Chair

Kadyn Lee (she/her) is a sophomore from Johns Creek, Georgie, studying Economics and Human Organization and Development. She is most excited about improving media & graphic skills and working with the rest of the team to further TAAAP's missions and presence.

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Christina Lee

Initiative Lead: Alumni Professional Life Navigation

Christina Lee (she/her) is a junior from Newton, Massachusetts studying Human Organization and Development with a minor in Business. She is most excited about building a supportive community for Asians and Asian Americans on campus by collaborating on initiatives.

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Collin Chen

Initiative Lead: Taste of Nashville/Commodore Card

Collin Chen (he/him) is a sophomore from Cincinnati, Ohio studying Human Organization and Development and Cognitive Studies with a minor in Business. He is most excited about working with like-minded individuals to achieve TAAAP's initiatives.

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Justin Kim

Initiative Lead: Fundraising

Justin Kim (he/him) is a sophomore from Shanghai, China and Detroit, Michigan studying Human Organization and Development and Cognitive Studies with minors in Data Science and Business. He is most excited about actualizing TAAAP's potential and progressing the organization.

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Edmond You

Initiative Lead: Fundraising

Edmond You (he/him) is a sophomore from Diamond Bar, California studying Human Organization and Development and Economics with a minor in Data Science. He is most excited of expanding the TAAAP community through the fundraising committee and working with other students passionate about AAPI advocacy on campus.

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Alison Zou

Event and Programming Coordinator

Alison Zou (she/her) is a freshman from Dallas, Texas studying Computer Science with a minor in Digital Fabrication. She is most excited to build upon her advocacy experiences by deepening my engagement with the Asian American community in Vanderbilt, Nashville, and beyond.

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Carol Ham


Carol Ham (she/her) is a senior from Atlanta, Georgia studying International Human Rights & Advocacy with a minor in Spanish. She is most excited to learn more deeply about Asian American advocacy and build upon the incredible work TAAAP has initiated at Vanderbilt.

Joe Rhee


Joe Rhee is a sophomore from Pasadena, California studying Human and Organizational Development with minors in Data Science and Asian Studies. He is most excited about getting to represent ethnic demographic data more accurately and expanding Asian American and Asian diasporic course offerings.

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Jenny Yang


Jenny Yang (she/her) is a sophomore from Colonial Heights, Virginia studying Economics with minors in Business and Asian Studies. She is most excited about promoting the rights, equality, and empowerment of Asians/Asian Americans on campus and beyond.

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Jessica Muellenbach


Jessica Muellenbach (she/her) is a freshman from Nashville, Tennessee studying Biological Sciences. She is most excited about facilitating long-lasting connections within the AAPI community to create a more inclusive environment for everyone.

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Felix Liang


Felix Liang (he/him) is a junior from Queens, New York studying Economics with a minor in Data Science. He is most excited about exploring ways to achieve equity through data disaggregation.

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Trevor Xing-Xie


Trevor Xing-Xie (he/they) is a freshman from Lexington, Massachusetts studying Neuroscience, Asian Studies, and Computer Science. He is most excited about fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Asian American experiences at Vanderbilt and beyond, particularly through curriculum expansion and campus education.


Yifei Fang


Yifei Fang (he/him) is a freshman from Sugar Land, Texas studying Computer Science and Economics. He is most excited about the opportunity to make Vanderbilt a place where Asians and Asian Americans are supported and celebrated.


Florence Lei


Florence Lei (she/her) is a sophomore from Queens, New York studying Neuroscience. She is most excited about expanding Asian American representation on campus and providing students with any support they may need.

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Sarah Son


Sarah Son (she/her) is a freshman from Las Vegas, Nevada studying Molecular & Cellular Biology. She is most excited about the opportunity to create a community that fosters a sense of belonging within the campus and celebrates what it means to be Asian American.

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